The HandCorpus is supported by the:
IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Robot Hand Grasping and Manipulation
HandCorpus has been also supported by the following European Research Council projects.
ERC projects:
1) “Soft-Hands (A Theory of Soft Synergies for a New Generation of Artificial Hands)” under the grant no. 291166.
FP7/2007-2013 program “Cognitive Systems and Robotics” projects:
2) “THE (The Hand Embodied)” under the CP-IP grant no. 248587.
3) “PaCMan (Probabilistic and Compositional Representations of Objects for Robotic Manipulation)” under the grant no. 600918.
4) “Wearhap (Wearable Haptics for Humans and Robots)” under the grant agreement no. 601165.
5) “WalkMan (Whole-body Adaptive Locomotion and Manipulation)” under the grant no. 611832.
Horizon 2020 projects:
6) “SoMa (Soft Manipulation)” under the grant no. 645599.
7) “SOFTPRO (Synergy-based Open-source Foundations and Technologies for Prosthetics and RehabilitatiOn)” under the grant no. 688857.